Legal Guides

Account Verification

Verifying your Account

By verifying your account, you build trust with other site users. This encourages more members to reply to your ad. It also helps our team keep Gay Room Rentals community safe. 


Verify your mobile number (Required)

It is mandatory to verify your mobile number when you have an active listing and to send or access other members numbers.

After entering your mobile number, you will receive a code. Enter this on the website to verify your mobile number.



Verifying your social media and Verify your id (Recommended)

Verifying your social media accounts with Gay Room Rentals builds trust with the rest of the community. And encourages people to reply to your ad. Linking your verified social media accounts can speed up the selection process as you get to know potential Gay Room Renters faster.

Gay Room Rentals use to verify your identity and build trust within the community.